Blwyddyn 5 & 6
Croeso i dudalen dosbarthiadau Mr Tomos, Miss Blackwell, Mr Rhys-Williams. Cymerwch olwg ar rywaint o'n addysg. Anogir disgyblion bob amser i ofyn cwestiynau a bydd ein sesiynau'n hyblyg ac yn canolbwyntio ar y disgybl.
Pethau i’w cofio:
Diolch am eich cydweithrediad. Mr Tomos, Miss Blackwell a Mr Rhys-Williams
Year 5 & 6
Welcome to Mr Tomos, Miss Blackwell a Mr Rhys-Williams' class page.
Take a look at some of our learning.
At all times pupils will be encouraged to ask questions and our sessions will be flexible and pupil centred.
Some things to remember:-
- Year 5&6 pupils may bring one if they wish. Pupils must take full responsibility for their own pencil case. Black pens will be provided to each pupil for their learning books.
- They don’t need to bring unnecessary things like toys, money or trading cards like ‘Top Trumps’ either.
- Pupils will be assigned to new Google classrooms through their HWB accounts. Homework tasks, resources and class messages will be posted in the Google classrooms.
- We ask that the pupils wear their P.E. kit to school on the days they have PE lessons. Pupils should wear a black (or dark) pair of shorts/leggings, a plain white or red t-shirt (their school polo shirt is fine) and their red school jumper. In colder weather tracksuit bottoms may be more appropriate. A suitable pair of trainers are essential.
- Reading books will be sent home each week. Please ensure that the books are returned on the appropriate day each week and homework is completed within the time allotted. Also, please help the pupils to learn the spellings they will be given each week.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mr Tomos, Miss Blackwell and Mr Rhys-Williams