Croeso i wefanYsgol Glanwydden.Welcome toYsgol Glanwydden's website.
Our Vision and Values
At Ysgol Glanwydden, we aim to nurture citizens who are inspired and motivated to be successful!
We feel that the words which people associate with our school and its pupils are:
Responsible, Respectful, Resilient, Happy, Engaged, Inclusive, Tolerant and Supportive.
The seeds of success are planted and nurtured here and the choices made by us all aim to develop individuals who are :
Accepting of Challenges, Positive, Creative, Enquiring, Resourceful and Ethical
Mae Ysgol Glanwydden yn derbyn plant o ardal Bae Penrhyn, Ochr y Penrhyn, Bryn Pydew a Glanwydden. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym 317 o blant ar y gofrestr gan gynnwys disgyblion rhan amser (meithrin). Cyflogwn 13 athro (12 athro dosbarth a'r pennaeth), 8 gweinyddes dosbarth, 2 goruchwyliwr amser cinio, 2 ysgrifenyddes, clerc cinio, gofalwr, 3 glanhawraig, cogyddes a 3 chynorthwyydd cegin.
Credwn fod magu perthynas dda rhwng yr ysgol a chartref yn hanfodol ar gyfer addysg ein plant, a byddwn yn annog y rheini i gymryd rhan ym mywyd yr ysgol. Gwerthfawrogwn gymorth rhieni gyda darllen, chwaraeon a gweithgareddau eraill.
Drwy fod yn ymwybodol o’r hyn sy’n digwydd yn yr ysgol mae hyder yn cynyddu a thrwy gyfarfod a thrafod gyda staff yr ysgol daw'r rheini i ddeall mwy am yr ysgol a'i gwaith. Mae'n bwysig selio ein cyd-gyfrifoldeb am addysg ein plant ar ddealltwriaeth a ffydd yn ein gilydd, ac anogwn rieni i gymryd mantais o bob gwahoddiad i gyfarfod athrawon eu plant.
Ysgol Glanwydden serves the catchment area of Penrhyn Bay, Penrhynside, Bryn Pydew and Glanwydden. In September we have 310 pupils including part time (nursery) pupils. We currently employ 13 teachers (12 class teachers and the headteacher), 8 classroom assistants, 2 lunchtime supervisors, 2 secretaries, dinner clerk, caretaker, 3 cleaners, cook and 3 kitchen assistants.
We believe that building a good relationship between home and school is important to a child's learning, and we encourage parents to become involved with our school. Volunteer parents are welcomed to assist with reading, sports and other activities.
Confidence is gained in a school by being aware of, and understanding what is happening within it. Parents gain greater understanding through contacts and discussion with members of staff. It is important that our joint responsibility for a child's education is based on mutual understanding and trust, and we encourage parents to take advantage of every invitation to meet with their child's teachers.